
Unifying Diveristy Through Education



Continuously pursuing for A Smile in every Children's face.


Our mission is to not only share knowledge but also cultivate a spirit of laughter and understanding among diverse children.


Our vision is to create a world where education is a unifying force that transcends diversity, fostering understanding, laughter, and empowerment among students. Together, we aim to shape a future where every child's potential is unlocked, transforming communities and, ultimately, the world.


Diversity, Children, Education, Empowering

Our Projects

Learn more about Projects we have done.
Aug 2023 to Oct 2023
Tutoring Government Schools:

We tutored around 770 students where our members initiated a new Co-cirriculmn program named Good Friday. Additionally, with the help of school's head master, we were able to establish new STEM clubs and do some science projects. Moreover, we participated students in the plantation program where we planted over 50 trees and flowers. Lastly, the team donated some stationary materials to the needy students.

December 2023
Presentation Campaign

Visited around 4 schools inside Kathmandu valley. Reached around 340 students. Shared the prospect of Blockchain, Internet of things, Artificial intelligence and other growing prospects of the Internet. Worked alongside top ISP partner,Worldlink, Marketing Director as one of the key speakers.

Ongoing Projects

We are working alongside top ISPs to establish internet connections in rural schools in rural areas. Aim to connect 11 schools within March 2024. Likewise, working on a fundraising program to raise money and work for the overall welfare of children i.e. providing them with proper clothes, stationary materials, etc.

Dream Project

Initially,we started as first generation students. Our ultimate goal is to establish an ashram to teach underprivileged students and provide them with the best facility.


Who We Are

We are a team run by like-minded high school graduates who are constantly to bring change to the education system of Nepal. In particular, we are chasing a new approach to Education where we are the hunters, SMIlE hunters, trying to bring Smiles to every child's face and unifying through education.
Chandan Vomjan

Chandan Vomjan

  • Co-founder & Executive Director
  • tylerchan707@gmail.com
  • Boudha, Kathmandu
Aadesh Regmi

Aadesh Regmi

  • Co-founder & Chief Operating Officer
  • aadeshregmi7@gmail.com
  • Sankhamul, Kathmandu
Aashray Chapagai

Aashray Chapagai

  • Project Manager
  • aashraychapagai22@gmail.com
  • Bhaktapur, Nepal
Saksham Dhakal

Saksham Dhakal

  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • sakshamdhakal111@gmail.com
  • Bhaktapur, Nepal


If you want to join our team to bring the Change fill up the form.